Happy 1 Year Quarantine Anniversary
Today officially marks the one year anniversary of my first day in COVID Quarantine. One year ago yesterday was my last day at work. One year ago tomorrow I published my first Corona Journal Entry. And one year ago today I woke up a little scared, but full of enthusiasm and ready to make this time at home count. Little did I know that this time at home would turn into a year at home and wow, I would have never guessed where this past year would take me.
I’ve been thinking about and anticipating this post for weeks now. I knew this day was coming and I wanted to write something fun or something reflective, but here we are at 9:30 at night trying to string some words together.
I thought this post was going to be called, “19 Things I Learned in the Year of COVID-19,” but I couldn’t make that work and I’ve been thinking about why all day today, well half of the day. (I spent the first part of the week and the first part of the day trying to make that topic work and only decided around lunch time today, that clearly wasn’t going to happen.)
After pondering about this for the last 9ish hours I think I have settled on two reasons why I can’t make that topic work, at least not right now.
- I’m mentally just not in that head space. It’s been a rough few months for me in general and on top of that, for some reason today my anxiety has been peaking. This past year was a lot and did a lot for me and to me. Some was good, some was bad and it was all an experience I greatly value, but because I have been living in and fighting to get out of this darker 2020 COVID-19 ruined my life head space, it’s just really hard to write a light hearted insightful post.
- Reason one kind of touched on this, but the last 365 days can’t be wrapped up in a nice little package. I learned a lot this year. I learned a lot new skills the past 365 days, like gardening, compositing, woodworking. If I wanted to I could easily come up with 19 concrete things I learned this past year, but I also learned a lot about myself, my goals, my passions, my priorities, and that part was and still is messy. I’m still working through all of the things that this year triggered. I’m still figuring out who this past year is turning me into and what path this year has placed me on. And those things I can’t fit into a nice little listicle, no matter how badly I’d like to.
So yeah that’s where I’m at. This post was rambly and kind of pointless, but I felt like I needed to do something to mark this day, this anniversary. If you took the time to read this, thank you, I appreciate you and I promise my next post will have more value. And maybe when I’m in a better head space I can write a better Quaranniversary post.
Since you held out ’til the end of this, I’ll leave you with a video from a family I started following this past year. It’s entertaining and it kind of has the vibes I’m feeling tonight in regards to this anniversary.
Happy Quarantine Anniversary Everyone!
Cover Image by Yair Cerón from Pixabay

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