Modern World vs Natural World – New Year’s Resolutions
So it probably seems quite strange for me to be talking about New Year’s Resolutions in March. Seems a little late, right? Especially coming from someone who regularly does end-of-year wrap-ups, and sets priorities and goals for the new year in the form of birthday posts (although I did miss my turning 34 post). But this is an intentional post (mostly). Although I did plan to write this a few weeks ago, prior to even ringing in the new year, I knew that my approach to the new year would be different and I wanted to do my best to articulate it here. I’m still not sure I’m going to…
2023 was a Strange Year…And I Don’t Know Why
This year was just strange and got away from me. In many ways, I feel like I didn't do much. If you look at my Bucket List and my goals I didn't meet many of them. At the same time though, as you'll see (if you choose to keep reading this ramble), I actually did do a lot. The first half of the year was filled with tons of waterfall hikes and the second half was packed with concerts (something I haven't done in years).
2022 – New Year Means New Years Resolutions
I spent a lot of 2021 upset about where I was (am) in life and was too scared to actually make any changes. I spent all of 2021 thinking about the life I wanted and the changes I could make to get that life, while ultimately doing very little about it. I was so afraid of making a move or taking a risk that could fail, that I did nothing for most of the year. I don't want that to happen this year.
My Own Original Thoughts on a Completly Un-Original Interpretation on the Last Two Years
As I've listened to these conversations and discussions about this past year I've heard many different metaphors or examples to explain the past two years, but the one that makes the most sense to me or that has resonated with me the most is a car accident. (I'm not sure if this is all my own idea or if someone else made the reference and it stuck with me, but the car accident metaphor is the one I've latched on to and will run with.) For the past two years, we have been living through a horrible car accident and the physical rehab that follows.