9 Instagram Accounts That Make Me Happy
Your social media feed isn’t always the safest place. Between negative news stories, the world falling apart, seeing how much more successful that guy from third period your senior year of high school is than you, and comparing yourself to celebrities, a session on Instagram can sometimes leave you feeling pretty down.
Now don’t get me wrong, I love Instagram! But I realized a few years ago that certain accounts left me feeling bad about myself or angry or a laundry list of other negative emotions. To counter this I began to unfollow any accounts that weren’t healthy for me and started picking up some pretty great accounts along the way. By now I’ve made my Instagram feed a pretty safe place to be, filled with my friends, family, cute animals, sustainability tips, yummy food, and a handful of accounts that just make me feel good, and I want to share those accounts with you.
Criteria: To keep this list short(ish) I excluded any companies, food and restaurant accounts, major celebrities (although one account does belong to a model), and accounts from people that I interact with more on other platforms (Youtubers or podcasters for example). I tried to stick to accounts and people that I found on Instagram and began to follow for the sole reason that they made me smile, made me feel better, or made me feel understood. If you’re taking the time to read this list, it’s kind of all over the place and has a lot of different accounts, so to make it more skimmable I will try to do my best to break it up into categories. Also, I will be taking a screenshot of my favorite reels from each account and linking them to the actual reel. So go ahead and click on any image you want to check out.
Body Positivity
Accounts that make me feel good about my body
Mik Zazon

Khrystyana Kazakova

Accounts that motivate me and help remind me that no matter where I am or what I am doing (or not doing) is totally ok.

Anna Przy

Learn something
An account that will make you smile and help you make money
Chloé Daniels

Accounts that are good for a great laugh
Logan T

Brian Moller


He sings really good songs, both catchy and bring a smile to my face
Ian McConnell