Books, movies, music and anything else we find entertainment in.
Hocus Pocus 2 Made Me Feel Like a Bad Millennial
It seems like everyone that grew up in the 90s loves Hocus Pocus! And so when the announcement that there was going to be a Hocus Pocus 2 broke, it seemed like that's all anyone could talk about. My Instagram and my Facebook were filled with posts about how excited everyone was that the Sanderson sisters were coming back. As the release date approached, it all just got worse. Everyone around me seemed to be counting down the days and, well, I wasn't.
Why Tickle? The Story Behind the Name
A month ago, today, I had to say goodbye to my furbaby, my best friend, my Tickle. It's been a rough month and everything about this still really hurts. As with any grief, I have my good days, my not-so-good days, and my really rough days. Even though today should be a rough day (I anticipated that it would be), I'm actually doing ok (for now). Every day I'm trying my best to focus on how lucky I was to have such a good girl in my life and all the great memories I have with her, instead of how much it hurts that she's gone. To continue riding that…
30 “Things” That Made My 30th Year
Tomorrow I turn 31 and well the first chapter of my 30s was not all that I had imagined. I didn't accomplish as much as I hoped. Most of the positive, healthy habits I set out to establish eventually fell through. And I ultimately spent a lot of the year lost, frustrated, and sad. But this is a new year, the start of another trip around the sun and an opportunity to try to do things better, again.
20 Things That Made 2020 Tolerable
2020 has been a pretty crap year for most of us I think. Yes, if you follow me I was pretty happy with how the majority of this year went, and this was by far not my worst year (although the past month has it ranking pretty high up there), but even through the best lens this year was full of stress, anxiety, change, and uncertainty. That being said, there were some things that definitely made this year a little easier, happier, and entertaining, at least for me.
Fall Out Boy
Some band I had never heard of was announced and came on to play live. It sounded horrible to me. I remember thinking this is just pure noise, why would anyone listen to this? I remember watching the lead singer, a little man with long side burns and a baseball cap reaching up to sing into the microphone while he played guitar and I remember the other guitar player and the bassist bouncing around all over the stage. I hated the music, but I couldn't turn it off.
Operator by Jim Croce
Songs, lyrics, melodies - music is a magical thing in life. Certain songs can bring you back to memory, a moment in time instantly. We all have certain lyrics that speak to us more than any conversation we have ever had any book we have ever read. Whether good or bad the right song can change your mood in an instant.