Adventures in Popcorn Ceilings
I’m here to warn you, removing popcorn ceilings from a single bedroom is not a one day DIY project. From start to finish, including removing furniture, priming and painting the freshly scraped ceiling, and moving back in, it will take more than a single day’s work.
How do I know this?
Because as I write this, it is nearly 11 pm and I do not have a bedroom to sleep in and I will most likely be spending the night in the back of my Outback.

My husband and I woke up this morning, planning to finish the project he, on a frustrated whim, started a few weeks ago while my mom was still between facilities. Because things have continued to be so hectic on my end, I haven’t had the time to dedicate to his bedroom project and last week I promised that today I would dedicate 100% to him and finishing his room. I knew it would be a long day, but I thought if we started early enough we could get it done and be moved back in before it got too late.
I was so wrong. I was so wrong.
Although we didn’t get as early of a start as I planned we still were up and out the door to Home Depot to buy the last of our supplies, a respirator for me and painter’s tape, by 8:30 am. (It would have been sooner, but we decided to make breakfast first.) Luckily Home Depot is right

Before we started scrapping the ceiling and getting really dirty, we decided we should probably grab some lunch first. We made a quick run down the street for some burgers and got right back to work.
The first thing we needed to do was cover the floors with trash bags, we didn’t want to spend the money on a tarp, so we would have a quick and easy cleanup. Unfortunately, after that, we realized my head is way too small to properly wear a respirator or a basic dust mask so my husband was on his own to do the actual ceiling scrapping. After he finished scrapping down the ceilings, we waited a short thirty minutes for his dad to get home to supply us with some primer and paint.
His dad had the primer but didn’t have enough leftover paint for us to finish the ceiling, so we had to make one more Home Depot run to pick out paint. After returning home with the paint, my husband sent me out to pick up dinner while he started wiping down the ceilings to prepare them for primer. I picked us up some Chili’s to go, we scarfed that down and got back to work.

We managed to get two coats of primer in before giving up for the night. We contemplated doing one coat of paint but figured there was no way we would be able to sleep in the room anyway and here we are now…
Room-less and semi bed-less.
Tomorrow morning we plan on getting up nice and early, 6 am wake up call please, to make sure we can get two coats of paint done and be moved back in before bedtime.
I know this was a strange post, nothing like my usual content, and I know that it has been a while since I last wrote, but I have been planning to sit down to write for days now and although this wasn’t exactly the deep thoughts I wanted to share I thought it was an amusing situation. I promise more content will be coming shortly and content will be more consistent going forward. I have a lot on my mind, a lot I want to share, and fun stories to tell.

Amy Gong
I loved reading this!