5 places you need to visit when you come to Oahu, and 2 you should skip
I am by no means a Hawaii expert, but I did live there for nearly three years and in those three years I would like to think I transitioned (somewhat) from a wide eyed tourist to someone who called Oahu home. During my time on the island I had the opportunity to try a lot of the "touristy" things Oahu has to offer. I also had the wonderful chance to find my own favorite places on the island. As family and friends of all different ages, with varying interests and desires for their Hawaii vacation came out to visit me I was able to see what they really enjoyed and…
Small but Mighty – Kahekili Ridge Trail
Located in Kaawa the Kahekili Ridge Trail is a short ass kicking trail that should only be attempted by fit, experienced, confident hikers. Kahekili Ridge Trail completley kicked my ass and I was not prepared for it! The husband and I tackled the Kahekili Ridge Trail a few months ago. (This post is a little delayed as we were trying to make a video to go with it and then life, aka Military, got in the way and well here we are now.) It was either a Saturday or a Sunday afternoon and we were looking for a quick short hike to do, just so we wouldn’t feel like we wasted…