Happy 1 Year Quarantine Anniversary
Today officially marks the one year anniversary of my first day in COVID Quarantine. One year ago yesterday was my last day at work. One year ago tomorrow I published my first Corona Journal Entry. And one year ago today I woke up a little scared, but full of enthusiasm and ready to make this time at home count. Little did I know that this time at home would turn into a year at home and wow, I would have never guessed where this past year would take me.
My New Job Made Me Hate Myself
Everyday that I came home from work I couldn't stop the thoughts running through my head like, "You're going to turn 30, broke and working at ###." or "You're almost 30 and you already failed at your career." or worse, "So what good is your college degree?" Taking this job, this job that I desperately needed left me feeling like the biggest loser ever and I hated that. I wanted to be proud that I was working, that I was figuring out a way to get by, but all I could think about was how it wasn't supposed to be that way.
My Brussels Sprout Experience
I am the weirdo that really likes Brussels sprouts, always have, so I was super excited to try my hand at growing my own. I've seen them at farms before and think they are just the most bizarre looking plant, which was just a bonus.
Turning 30: The Start of a New Year, a New Decade and a New Chapter
Like I do every year, I am ready to outline my goals, my resolutions if you will, for this next year. However, since this isn't just any birthday, it's, as I've been annoyingly saying, the start of a new chapter for me and there is a lot I hope to change and do moving forward not just this year, but in general.
20 Things That Made 2020 Tolerable
2020 has been a pretty crap year for most of us I think. Yes, if you follow me I was pretty happy with how the majority of this year went, and this was by far not my worst year (although the past month has it ranking pretty high up there), but even through the best lens this year was full of stress, anxiety, change, and uncertainty. That being said, there were some things that definitely made this year a little easier, happier, and entertaining, at least for me.
10 Changes I’ve Made to Live More Sustainably
From meatless Mondays to utilizing public transportation, there are a lot of small changes people can make to live more sustainably. Here are 10 changes I have made this year -
Environmental Documentaries are Making me Cry
Now before I get into this, I just want to say, although I feel things deeply I normally don't show them externally. Friends, family, and memories can make me cry, but very few movies or television shows do. And the ones that can make me tear up normally hit on a very specific feeling or memory that I can relate to. That is why these documentaries caught me off guard and that is why I decided to write this post. I wanted to not only share these awesome documentaries, but explore why they touched me the way they did and see if I can process it and properly verbalize it.
Baby Steps To Plant-Based Eating
I haven't bought meat in over a month, sort of. Over the past few months my husband and I have really been on an eco-kick sustainable living journey of sorts. As you know, we started backyard composting and gardening. My recycling habits have really been put in check and we started looking at our day to day consumption and how we could make better choices. Little by little we've been looking at the things we use, how we use them, what their impact is and how we could make better choices. We started having conversations about how products are made, where products come from, the insane amount of plastic we…
Why and How I Started Backyard Composting
Thanks to COVID and quarantine my days and weeks and months have somewhat started to blend, so I can't, off the top of my head, tell you when I started composting, it was sometime between March and May, but I can tell you how and why. The idea of composting in my backyard started small and slow, and then out of nowhere blew itself up into existence.
Quarantine Day 84-96: My final entry
I have decided this will be my final Corona Journal Entry. I haven't yet been called back to work, nor do I know when that will happen. The country is no longer in full quarantine, yet also still not open. It's kind of this weird we all wear masks and are afraid to come close to each other, but we can go to bars and go shopping again. It's really very strange and I personally don't have any interest in going out to crowded public spaces yet. On top of all this, protests are still happening all around the country, American's everywhere demanding long over due change.