I Lost Another Piece of Home Last Week
Many of us have places that we grew up in, places that feel like home outside of our home. Places that hold a special place in our hearts, that are filled with special memories. Places that feel safe even if it doesn't make sense to anyone else.
The Hat
In N Out. When you think of Southern California fast food, In N Out is what comes to mind. Whether you have never been to one or you spent your entire life in SoCal, you just can't help it; Whether you know better or not, In N Out is what always comes to mind when you think Southern California burger joint. But, there is another SoCal based local favorite that, even though it's loved by many, seems to always be forgotten. The Hat.
Desert Rain
ullhead City, Arizona is a community located directly across the Colorado River from Laughlin, Nevada and not too far from Needles, California. For those of you that still don't know what I'm talking about, it is about 90 miles south of Las Vegas. It is also a major part of my childhood.
Colima Burgers
And then there is Colima Burgers. And as cheesy and dramatic as it sounds, I mean this will all sincerity, since coming back to California, walking into Colima Burgers has felt like coming home each and every time. Colima Burgers is a family run greasy spoon that I have gone to all my life.
New York Pizza
I was little, it was while I was still in elementary. I have always been a HUGE shave ice fan. I was home with a babysitter, which in my mind was rare. I feel like for most of my childhood, my dad was usually the one home with me and if I did need to be watched 90% of the time I'd either be with my brother and/or his wife or with my dad's best friend's family. Anyways, I digress, this day I was home with a babysitter, possibly my cousin or my future niece (another story), and my dad came home with a shave ice!