Quarantine Day 68-70: 7 Things I Learned in 70 Days
Today marks 70 days of self isolation. 70 days since I was last at work. 70 days since I was last able to have any sort of real social gathering. 70 days since I have been able to visit my mom. It has been 70 days of ups and downs, good days, bad days, productive days and lazy days. I've had days where I've really struggled, days where it was hard to get out of bed, but lately, I have found myself in a really good place. I have used this time of isolation to work on projects and catch up on some entertainment. I've also used this time to…
My Weight and 30 Day Challenges Round 2: Learning to Love Myself
Thanks to COVID-19 and the Safer at Home Orders, I've been trying to use this time to get my life back on track and ultimately start working on me again. When I did my last 30 Day Hula Hoop Challenge it really did help me not just feel accomplished, but it helped me start to feel different about myself. So, I decided why not start there again?
Quarantine Day 60 – 67: I’m still Happy and I went Hiking
If you read last week's Corona Journal entry, I am happy to report that things are still going good. After admitting to the world that I was happy and everything seemed to be going good, my life did not fall apart. I still feel really good, I even caught myself smiling last night for no reason. I'm still maintaining and/or working on all of my new good habits - working out, walking, meditation, gardening. For the most part the last week has been pretty much the same old same old, in the best way possible. Only new thing to report, I did finally go hiking!
Quarantine Day 51-59: 2020 is still going to be my Year
There seemed to be an overall consensus that 2019 sucked! And I fully agree with that. 2019 was definitely one of my worse years on record and I was so looking forward to 2020. Then COVID-19 happened and there once again seems to be an overall agreement that this year has gone to hell as well. For a moment there I would have agreed, but I've been thinking a lot lately, doing a lot of reflecting and, although I was struggling there for a minute, overall I'm happy. I'm happy and I feel like I'm headed in a very healthy direction.
Melanoma Awareness Month
Did you know that although it is the least common form of skin cancer, melanoma is the most deadly? For women ages 25-30 it is the leading cause of cancer death, second leading cause of cancer death for women 30-35. For both men and women, ages 15-29, it is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer and approximately 500 children in the US are diagnosed with melanoma each year. This year (2020) it is estimated that over 196,000 Americans will be diagnosed with melanoma and 6,850 Americans will lose their fight with this deadly cancer.
Quarantine Day 44-50: Nothing New
This will be a super short, pretty much pointless, only writing because I said I'd check in weekly post because I really have nothing new to report. May is Melanoma Awareness Month, so I decided on whim to join Melanoma Research Foundation's Virtual Miles for Melanoma event. Meaning for this entire month I will be walking, jogging and running to build awareness while raising money for melanoma research. (I will talk about this more in an upcoming dedicated post, so stay tuned.) Besides that I am still working out regularly and I'm currently working on redoing my workout routine.
Fall Out Boy
Some band I had never heard of was announced and came on to play live. It sounded horrible to me. I remember thinking this is just pure noise, why would anyone listen to this? I remember watching the lead singer, a little man with long side burns and a baseball cap reaching up to sing into the microphone while he played guitar and I remember the other guitar player and the bassist bouncing around all over the stage. I hated the music, but I couldn't turn it off.
Quarantine Day 37-43: Is Quarantine Making Me Better?
It's been a pretty good week! A few Corona Journal entries ago, I mentioned that I was really starting to struggle with my anxiety and maybe even a little depression. Given the current circumstances the only way I figured to really deal with this was to just stay busy, stay distracted and keep moving. When I wrote about that I also pointed out that possibly wasn't the best solution, but it was all I had and time would tell. Well it's been a few weeks now and I'm starting to feel so much better. I'm even starting to think that quarantine may be starting to make me a better human...in…
Quarantine Day 30-36: Keep me out of HomeDepot
Starting with this entry, I have decided that unless something really big or really important happens, I'm only going to be writing my Corona Journal entries weekly. Although my moods and the ways in which I'm handling this new reality fluctuate daily, sometimes even hourly, for the most part I have fallen into a pretty basic routine -
Quarantine Day 24-29: Happy Birthday Mom
I think this is probably the longest I have gone between quarantine entries, but it's been a weird few days. In my last few entries, I mentioned that I just wasn't feeling myself. Whether it was the rain, my anxiety, the reality of such an overwhelming situation, or maybe even a little bit of depression; I just wasn't doing much. I was getting up in the morning at a decent time, getting dressed, taking care of my basic needs and commitments, but overall I was just going through the motions of the day.