Mount Baldy’s Bear Canyon Made Me Emotional
Because I nearly broke my foot in May, I lost a fight with a 30lb dumbbell, and then spent the entire month of June trying to process the loss of my Tickle, when I set out to do the Bear Canyon Trail in Mount Baldy last month, I was breaking a two and a half month long no hiking streak.
Camping Tips: 3 Ways I’m Reducing My Waste This Summer
I'm new to camping. Very new to camping. I'm also new to consciously living more sustainably and making more sustainable life choices. And in fact, both my desire to actively change the way I live to save the planet and my desire to camp came about, at about the same time. But as I quickly learned, even though camping sounds like an eco-friendly vacation choice, if you aren't careful the waste produced from a camping trip can add up pretty quickly.
Why Tickle? The Story Behind the Name
A month ago, today, I had to say goodbye to my furbaby, my best friend, my Tickle. It's been a rough month and everything about this still really hurts. As with any grief, I have my good days, my not-so-good days, and my really rough days. Even though today should be a rough day (I anticipated that it would be), I'm actually doing ok (for now). Every day I'm trying my best to focus on how lucky I was to have such a good girl in my life and all the great memories I have with her, instead of how much it hurts that she's gone. To continue riding that…
Roe V Wade Officially Overturned – What the Hell is Happening?
I've collected my thoughts and I'm ready to share. Kind of. Sort of. Although a part of me wants to censor myself, compose myself in a more polite way and present my thoughts in a calm and collected matter, everything happening right now is too important. This all matters too much. And whenever I censor myself I risk losing my emotion and my thoughts so here we go!
The Silence – Saying Goodbye and Learning How to Live without my Best Friend
Today is Father's Day, a tough day in general for me. I didn't want to publish this today, but this day is now hard for two reasons. One because I miss my dad, but two because this is the first "sad" holiday I have to get through without Tickle. Tickle not only got me through the hardest times, but she also got me through the reminders of the hard times, birthdays, and special holidays for loved ones who passed. Not only am I having to learn how to get through death without Tickle, I'm also going to have to learn to get through the hard days without her.
Murphy Ranch – Old Nazi Compound in the Santa Monica Mountains
Did you know there is an old Nazi sympathizer compound hidden away in the Santa Monica Mountains? (Or at least the start of what was to be a Nazi sympathizer compound.) Accessible via a moderately rated 3.4-mile hike in Rustic Canyon, Murphy's Ranch is a peek into some of the bizarre histories of LA.
14 Places Plastic is Hiding in Your Life
Plastic is everywhere! From your water bottle to your remote control, it's hard to do anything in the modern world without using some form of plastic. Lots of the plastic in our lives is obvious, while others, not so much. So I've put together a list of 14 places you may not realize plastics may be hiding in your life.
I Finally Went Camping at Joshua Tree
It finally happened! While it took me nearly thirty years to make it out to Joshua Tree for the first time, two years after my initial visit I fulfilled my dream of camping under those big goofy whimsical trees. And it was as magical as I had imagined.
I Quit My Job!
April ended up being an overly hectic month, kicked off with a car accident along with some other things, so I do have to sadly report that I haven't been able to grow any further than I was in March. But the year isn't even halfway over yet and I've already accomplished more than I expected to do this entire year. If you would have asked me back in January where I see myself in six months I would have never guessed I'd be happily working from home, making my own hours. I still need to hustle, I still have a lot of plans, and I still have a long…
I’m scared. I’m angry. And I’m overwhelmed.
Like a lot of women in this country, I have been walking around in a weird, shocked, angry cloud, filled with hours of news watching, Twitter scrolling, and Reddit reading. Although I actually had a lot planned for my blog this week, I've realized that I can't get anything done until I get all of this *waves hands around head* out. So, I am going to try to put into words what I've been going through and what's been on my mind for the past few days. This is probably going to be rambly and possibly not make much sense, but I've got to put this all somewhere. And when…