My Corona Journal: Quarantine Day 1 & 2
This was supposed to be my year, but as of this month shit has officially hit the fan, and for once it's not just a me problem. The world is in a really scary place right now. It was worrisome when it was happening in China. Things got even more scary as it started to spread across Europe. And now that the Coronavirus is here in the US, I'm not even sure my brain knows how to process all this.
Desert Rain
ullhead City, Arizona is a community located directly across the Colorado River from Laughlin, Nevada and not too far from Needles, California. For those of you that still don't know what I'm talking about, it is about 90 miles south of Las Vegas. It is also a major part of my childhood.
Family & Community – What I Miss About Military Life
Although in a lot of ways I didn't embrace the military life, I was a military spouse for three years. My entire time living in Hawaii was thanks to and shaped by the military. The best time of my life thus far was all thanks to the military.
Helping Others to Avoid Chasing my Dreams
I always spend a lot of time thinking about life and my goals and why things are the way they are. Why I act the way I act or do the things I do? Driving home tonight, I was listening to the Titus Podcast, as I do pretty much every Friday night, and tonight they were talking about reaching your goals and chasing your dream. Not a hard topic for me to get into, especially when its framed in a dark snarky way, as is everything Titus talks about
Turning 29 – Goals
Most years rather than making a list of New Year's resolutions, I make birthday goals - things I want to do, improve upon and change for the year to come. My birthday is so close to New Year's anyways, that I always feel like it's pointless to make any eating right and/or working out goals, because I know as soon as my birthday week rolls around all my progress is going to be derailed.
Anxiety and Negative Self-Talk in the New Year
Going into 2020 I had all these plans, just like everyone else, for the new and improved me. I was going to workout more and eat better. Save money. Eat out less. Start reading again. Stay on top of my blog post and make better content. Embark on all those projects I keep saying I'm going to do, but never even start.
2019 Nearly Killed Me – A Look Back on the Year
2019 made me it's bitch and I honestly feel like I'm lucky to be standing. This year tested me physically and emotionally; and looking back I failed myself at every turn. I thought 2018 was a tough year for me, but I made the most of it. I grew. I learned new things. And I started to get better. A lot of good came out of the bad of 2018.
Colima Burgers
And then there is Colima Burgers. And as cheesy and dramatic as it sounds, I mean this will all sincerity, since coming back to California, walking into Colima Burgers has felt like coming home each and every time. Colima Burgers is a family run greasy spoon that I have gone to all my life.
Bryce in the Snow
My entire life I have had to spend a good amount of time in Utah. When I was younger it was to go see my grandpa. Then in 2014 my mom moved up there. Now my mom is back in California, but we still have her place to watch over. Lucky for me, thanks to all this, over the last couple years I have been lucky enough to explore several of the national parks in Utah. So far I've been to Zion, Bryce, and Capitol Reef. All of them are gorgeous in their own special way, but Bryce in the winter is by far my absolute favorite.
Apple Picking Adventures
Fall is my favorite season, in theory. I love the changing leaves and the chill in the air. There is nothing I enjoy more than wrapping myself up in blanket on cool nights. I think I'm much cuter in sweaters, scarves, tights and boots, than in bikinis, shorts, and tank tops. And, I can start breaking out the eggnog (pumpkin spice can kiss my ass). But, I live in Southern California and that means my fall season is really more of a faux fall season. (Don't get me wrong its way more fall like here than it was in Hawaii, but compared to the majority of the country, it's barely…