My Brussels Sprout Experience
I am the weirdo that really likes Brussels sprouts, always have, so I was super excited to try my hand at growing my own. I've seen them at farms before and think they are just the most bizarre looking plant, which was just a bonus.
Turning 30: The Start of a New Year, a New Decade and a New Chapter
Like I do every year, I am ready to outline my goals, my resolutions if you will, for this next year. However, since this isn't just any birthday, it's, as I've been annoyingly saying, the start of a new chapter for me and there is a lot I hope to change and do moving forward not just this year, but in general.
Turning 30: Looking at my 20s Through a Positive Lens
I turn 30 in just a couple days and I don't remember ever being this excited for a birthday. I turned 18 in high school, early in my senior year, so very little changed there. At 21 I had very little interest in alcohol, so that was no big achievement. And at 25 I was excited to be able to rent a car, but who really thinks about that? But 30, 30 feels different. I have been excited to turn 30 since last year and even though COVID is throwing a wrench into many of my celebration plans, that doesn't change how thrilled I am to be leaving my 20s…
I Rang in the New Year with COVID
By the title of this post, you probably can figure out what it is going to be about, but before I get into the details can I just say, could there be a more perfect wrap up to 2020? I mean we got our tests results on New Years Eve. It literally felt like 2020 was saying, "Nope you ain't getting out of here that easy."
20 Things That Made 2020 Tolerable
2020 has been a pretty crap year for most of us I think. Yes, if you follow me I was pretty happy with how the majority of this year went, and this was by far not my worst year (although the past month has it ranking pretty high up there), but even through the best lens this year was full of stress, anxiety, change, and uncertainty. That being said, there were some things that definitely made this year a little easier, happier, and entertaining, at least for me.
I sat on my computer for nearly four hours yesterday, trying to put together an appropriate post. I would write and delete and write and delete. Nothing I wrote seemed right. Nothing I wrote seemed like enough. Having someone so full of life, someone so good, pass away so suddenly at only 27, makes no sense, so why would talking about it be any different.
10 Changes I’ve Made to Live More Sustainably
From meatless Mondays to utilizing public transportation, there are a lot of small changes people can make to live more sustainably. Here are 10 changes I have made this year -
Environmental Documentaries are Making me Cry
Now before I get into this, I just want to say, although I feel things deeply I normally don't show them externally. Friends, family, and memories can make me cry, but very few movies or television shows do. And the ones that can make me tear up normally hit on a very specific feeling or memory that I can relate to. That is why these documentaries caught me off guard and that is why I decided to write this post. I wanted to not only share these awesome documentaries, but explore why they touched me the way they did and see if I can process it and properly verbalize it.
Making Myself at Home – Part 2: Living Room and Kitchen
After completing our bathroom makeover, I felt amazing! So much better than I ever anticipated. My bathroom now brings me joy and after we finished it, I can honestly say it was my favorite room. I liked getting ready in there, I loved taking long showers, everything about the room had improved exponentially for me. And I wanted that for the rest of the house so...we moved on to the kitchen and living room.
Reminder to Believe in Myself
Today marks five years exactly since I got on a plane and moved to Hawaii. I've talked about that experience many times on this blog, but today's anniversary hit different. Today's anniversary was a perfectly timed message from the universe. Today reminded me that I'm amazing and I can accomplish impossible things. And I really needed that.