“Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” – Why I HATE This Question
Like many people, I currently find myself unemployed and that means it's interview time, again. And with the way the last few years have been, it feels like this has been the season of interviews in my life. From being laid off with only a year left on Oahu, to trying to settle back into life in California, and now COVID, I should be a pro when it comes to interviews and job hunting. In many ways I guess I kind of am. Not to say I'm good at interviews, but very rarely am I surprised by a question or the flow of an interview. I'm so used to hearing…
Baby Steps To Plant-Based Eating
I haven't bought meat in over a month, sort of. Over the past few months my husband and I have really been on an eco-kick sustainable living journey of sorts. As you know, we started backyard composting and gardening. My recycling habits have really been put in check and we started looking at our day to day consumption and how we could make better choices. Little by little we've been looking at the things we use, how we use them, what their impact is and how we could make better choices. We started having conversations about how products are made, where products come from, the insane amount of plastic we…
Plans for a Healthier September
My body aches. I get headaches and stomach aches all the time. My anxiety is back at full force and my emotions are all over the place. My clothes are fitting tight again and my muscle mass is disappearing. I'm just one big mess again. So this month I've decided to get back on track and I'm listing my goals here to keep me in check and hold me accountable.
Making Myself at Home – Part 1: The Bathroom
I have been living at my sister-in-laws, in her rental space, for about a year and a half now. And although I love it, my husband and I have our own space, my doggy gets to live comfortably, we were able to Musubi, we have access to an awesome outdoor space to entertain in, and much more, I haven't really felt fully at home. Not as in I didn't feel comfortable here or I couldn't relax, it was more I fell into my old Hawaii mindset of "this is temporary" and I didn't let myself get too comfortable. I never made the space mine.
Why and How I Started Backyard Composting
Thanks to COVID and quarantine my days and weeks and months have somewhat started to blend, so I can't, off the top of my head, tell you when I started composting, it was sometime between March and May, but I can tell you how and why. The idea of composting in my backyard started small and slow, and then out of nowhere blew itself up into existence.
Gould Mesa Road: Angeles Crest Hwy to Paul Little Picnic Site
According to my AllTrails recording this hike was 6 miles round trip and took us a total of 2 hours and 45 minutes, including our short break at the end waterfall. It was a weekday morning that we went and we did encounter a few hikers throughout the trail, but I wouldn't call it busy and for the most part people were polite and did have their masks on them.
I Finally Made it to Joshua Tree
Joshua Tree was one of my dad's favorite places, right along with the High Sierra and the Grand Teton. I grew up hearing him talk about this strange land in the desert, but despite it being only about two hours away from where I grew up I never had the pleasure of experiencing it with him.
Quarantine Day 84-96: My final entry
I have decided this will be my final Corona Journal Entry. I haven't yet been called back to work, nor do I know when that will happen. The country is no longer in full quarantine, yet also still not open. It's kind of this weird we all wear masks and are afraid to come close to each other, but we can go to bars and go shopping again. It's really very strange and I personally don't have any interest in going out to crowded public spaces yet. On top of all this, protests are still happening all around the country, American's everywhere demanding long over due change.
Quarantine Day 70-83: Black Lives Matter
With respect to the current protests, movement and general atmosphere in the country I decide to take a short break from posting my usual content. Last week I did not feel it was appropriate for me to focus on my own creative and personal endeavors and although I am planning to return to my usual posts and projects next week, I encourage you to join me in educating yourself on organizations and charities that support the issues and problems facing the black community, seeking out ways that you can contribute and/or help the fight against racism, consuming and sharing content created by people of color, self-reflecting, and having tough conversations…
You Won’t Always Have More Time
When my dad was sick, I spent nearly every day by his side. I gave him hugs and kisses every chance I had. And I was constantly saying “I love you.” The day he died was hard for me. It was hard for me on many levels, not just the obvious one. The day he died, I got very angry at a nurse who was practically force feeding him. The day before my dad died, he was moved to a hospice facility, so these were new nurses who didn’t know us or his case. My dad had not been able to eat solid foods for a long time at this…