5 places you need to visit when you come to Oahu, and 2 you should skip
I am by no means a Hawaii expert, but I did live there for nearly three years and in those three years I would like to think I transitioned (somewhat) from a wide eyed tourist to someone who called Oahu home. During my time on the island I had the opportunity to try a lot of the "touristy" things Oahu has to offer. I also had the wonderful chance to find my own favorite places on the island. As family and friends of all different ages, with varying interests and desires for their Hawaii vacation came out to visit me I was able to see what they really enjoyed and…
Quarantine Day 20-23: I’m Still Here
Last time I wrote an entry, I mentioned that I thought quarantine was starting to get to me and that the days were starting to blur. I was still being productive and getting things done. Now, however, I don't think quarantine is starting to get to me, I know it is. I'm still working out every day and I've been keeping up with my 30 day hula hoop challenge, but besides that I haven't done much more. I'm still getting my butt out of bed every day before 8 am, usually around 7:30, but I'm going to bed earlier and earlier every day.
Camping at Davis Camp
Last summer I went camping for the first time and I loved it. Every time we stayed at Davis Camp in Bullhead City, Arizona and probably in part due to my deep connection to the river and part reasons I will never understand, it is now one of my absolute favorite places.
Quarantine Day 16-19: I Accidentally Drank a $350 Bottle of Wine
Although I feel like I have continued to do a pretty good job of staying a productive human being the last few days, I can officially say quarantine has gotten to me and the days are starting to blur. I know I haven't wasted a single day this week. I've gotten up at a decent time every morning, I'm cooking, cleaning and working out. I stay busy. But, I cannot tell you what I have done for the last 3-4 days nor do I have anything to show for those days.
Quarantine Day 12-15: I Built a Shelf
I think I have managed to shake my quarantine slump I was in when I last check in, at least for now. Since my last Corona Journal entry, it's been a fairly productive few days. From cleaning to cooking, gardening and working out, I've managed to stay on top of things and stay pretty busy. My biggest accomplishment to report - I built a shelf!
Operator by Jim Croce
Songs, lyrics, melodies - music is a magical thing in life. Certain songs can bring you back to memory, a moment in time instantly. We all have certain lyrics that speak to us more than any conversation we have ever had any book we have ever read. Whether good or bad the right song can change your mood in an instant.
Quarantine Day 9-11: Looking Forward to Earth Hour
Quarantine is starting to get to me. I'm doing my best to try to keep moving and stay productive, but if I'm being honest with myself I haven't done the best job the last few days. I'm still not sleeping in really late, I'm usually up at least 10-15 min before 8 am, but I had been telling myself I would be up closer to 6 am. When I am up, I'm not being as productive as I should be and in all honesty I'm not even sure where the time is going. I haven't binge watched a ton of TV or spent hours upon hours on YouTube and TikTok.…
Quarantine Day 5-8: I Befriended the Cat
It is the early morning of my 8th day in quarantine, which means I have officially completed my first week! Yay! In my first week I think I have done an okay job of keeping busy, continuing to function like a regular human, and not becoming a complete slob. I only slept in until 8 am once this week, every other day I was up by at least 7:30. I get dressed everyday, usually it is only workout clothes, but at least I'm not living in my pajamas. I've limited myself to only one 20 minute nap a day, and I try to make sure that isn't a daily thing.…
The Hat
In N Out. When you think of Southern California fast food, In N Out is what comes to mind. Whether you have never been to one or you spent your entire life in SoCal, you just can't help it; Whether you know better or not, In N Out is what always comes to mind when you think Southern California burger joint. But, there is another SoCal based local favorite that, even though it's loved by many, seems to always be forgotten. The Hat.
Quarantine Day 3 & 4: My Mom Escaped
I made the fatal quarantine newbie mistake and cleaned my house way too quick. Okay, maybe I shouldn't say "fatal" given the current state of things, but as I said in my Day 1 & 2 entry, I apologize for any inappropriate humor I may use. Anyways, as I was saying, I screwed up and cleaned my house way too quick and now I'm struggling to find ways to kill time.