
  • Food

    L&L – Hawaii vs California

    Right around the time I moved to Hawaii one of my best friends moved to Chicago. After both of us had lived in our respective new cities for a few months, I remember texting him about how it was living in Hawaii, the good, the bad, the different. I don’t remember how we got on the topic of food or what his exact words were, but my friend sent me a text message saying something along the lines of, “I bet the food there is so good, no gross L&Ls around.” Little did he realize, or I for that matter, when I moved to Oahu, L&L is everywhere on the…

  • Food

    Mouthwatering Chicken from Maui Mikes

    Maui Mikes makes chicken sandwiches that are to die for! I have never been a huge fan of chicken, despite the many times my husband has tried to sell me on the joys of eating good rotisserie chicken, but Maui Mikes is doing something special. And although I didn’t discover them until my last few months on the island, they instantly became one of my go to comfort foods. My go to is the Ranch Bacon Melt Sandwich. It is made of hot fresh juicy shredded chicken, lots of cheddar cheese, bacon, and ranch. It is big. It is messy. And it is so satisfying. My husband normally orders Mike’s…

  • Food

    Breakfast on Oahu’s Windward Side

    I have been lucky enough to live in Kailua, on Oahu’s Windward Coast for the last two and a half years. In those two and a half years my husband and I have been able to seek out and test many of the breakfast options this side of the island has to offer and there are three locations my husband and I keep returning to over and over again. My Favorite – Boots & Kimo’s Boots & Kimo’s is hands down one of my favorite breakfast places, not just on Oahu, but anywhere! They are known for their delicious Mac Nut Pancakes, fluffy buttermilk pancakes topped with a creamy rich…

  • Food

    It’s all in the bread…

    I am not a sandwich person. I really have to be in the mood for a sandwich and when I am it is usually for a hot sandwich, a good Ruben or maybe a French dip. Very rarely do I ever want cold cuts and if I do, normally I’ll save the money and just make it myself. That was the case up until I discovered Timmy T’s. Timmy T’s is a local sandwich shop in Kailua that absolutely changed my perspective on sandwiches and will probably be one of the main places I will miss when I leave Oahu. Timmy T’s serves 8-inch cold cut sandwiches. They have a…

  • Food

    My Husband’s Favorite Pizza on Oahu – Boston’s Pizza

    I have a confession to make – I am not a pizza person. Now that is not to say I don’t enjoy myself a piece of pepperoni every now and then, but it’s not something I always want. My husband on the other hand loves pizza. Ninety percent of the time when I let him choose something for dinner, if he’s not choosing a burger, he’s picking pizza. And while we have lived on Oahu that means Boston’s Pizza. Boston’s Pizza is a local pizza joint in Kailua and they serve giant, fresh, thin crust pizza. I may not be a pizza person but I know a good slice when…

  • Food

    North Shore Garlic Shrimp

    Oahu’s North Shore is known for many things. Gorgeous beaches. Huge waves. Laid back vibes. And garlic shrimp. Garlic shrimp can be found all over Oahu’s North Shore and it is one of the must do things when you visit the island. But who has the best shrimp? With all the different choices where should you go? Everyone that lives here has their go-to location. Some locations are local secrets while others have grown to be quite well known. Since I’ve lived on Oahu there are three different shrimp locations I always hear come up in conversation. Whether in person or online and they seem to always be compared to…

  • Food

    Fall in Oahu and AGU Ramen

    One of the things I miss the most about living in Hawaii is the fall and winter weather. Having spent my entire life in California, it’s not like I know what a real winter is, but I do miss chilly days, boots, tights, and sweaters. Here in Oahu, it rarely ever drops below 75. This past weekend was filled with those rare Oahu Fall like days. It was chilly, windy, and rainy, and put me in the perfect mood for some nice hot ramen. I only began eating ramen after I moved to Oahu, and my road to ramen was paved with many protests towards my husband’s request. Ramen did…

  • Food

    Seven Brothers – The Best Burger on Oahu

    I LOVE burgers! When I lived in California, I was always on the hunt for the perfect burger. One of my favorite things to do on the weekends was to seek out new hole in the wall, greasy spoon, burger joints. After moving to Hawaii, accepting my new burger situation was one of the biggest and most difficult adjustments for me. (That sounds sad, but it is totally true.) It’s not that there are bad burgers here in Hawaii. I have found several places around the island with good burgers, just not the type of burgers I was used to or I was craving. All that changed when I found…

  • Food

    The Other Pink Box

    As a SoCal girl, I know that the best doughnuts come in a pink box. Krispy Kreme can be nice, and I enjoy Winchell’s and Dunkin’ Donuts, but the absolute best doughnut will always be found in a local shop with a pink box. It’s fact. Ask anyone in California. So for me, pink boxes have always meant an amazing sweet treat was headed my way for breakfast (or lunch or dinner or late night snack…doughnuts are good anytime) and thanks to Leonard’s Bakery here on Oahu that is still what a pink box means, with a slight twist. Now Leonard’s Bakery is not a doughnut shop, or at least…

  • Food

    Zippy’s – The Restaurant I Resisted

    Established in 1966 by brothers Francis and Charles Higa, the first Zippy’s Restaurant opened in McCully, Oahu. Since then Zippy’s has grown to over 20 locations on Oahu, as well as a location on Maui and the big island of Hawaii. Over twenty locations on Oahu alone, that means that they are practically everywhere! When I first moved here it felt like I saw a Zippy’s on every street and it felt like everyone was talking about this place. As I made friends I was constantly told how amazing Zippy’s was. Some people I know would rave about their fried chicken, others around me were obsessed with their rice. Several…